Supporting career aspirations through comprehensive employment services.

Supported Employment Services at Integrity Supports & Services, LLC are designed to offer training and support for obtaining and maintaining competitive employment, including customized employment or self-employment, in integrated work settings. We assist clients in accessing various employment support programs like Employment Network, Nebraska Work Incentive Network (WIN), and Ticket to Work services. Our services are aimed at guiding clients through the process of benefits planning and accessing qualified service programs, ultimately leading to sustained paid employment that aligns with their personal and career goals.

Our goal is to ensure each client achieves sustained employment in an integrated setting that meets their personal and career aspirations. By providing comprehensive support and teaching clients how to navigate employment networks and incentive programs, we open doors to diverse employment opportunities. Our services are designed to support clients in achieving meaningful employment in a setting that respects their strengths and preferences.

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Interested in learning more about our services or need assistance? Contact us for detailed information and expert guidance.